"Ake runga - Our best always"
Tawhaki climbed the vine of knowledge through the ten sacred heavens, where he faced a test at each heaven, to receive the four baskets of knowledge.
These baskets are Whekite (observation), Whekaro (learn), Te Werohia (analyse and investigate) and Te Whakairihia (apply my new knowledge).
To complete this process is to become Te Pou Mataaho (Knowledgeable and appreciative of many perspectives).
Ake Runga means to always give our best effort as we climb the vine of knowledge at Apanui School.
Mission Statement
We think, collaborate, communicate, contribute and create
Whakatauaki ō Ngāti Awa
"He manu hōu ahau, he pī ka rere - I am a small bird poised for flight.”
Te Mautaranui was a young Ngāti Awa warrior and leader. Tuakeake was jealous and planned to murder Te Mautaranui. Tuakeake offered Te Mautaranui his sisters hand in marriage and he invited him to Kahungunu (Hawkes Bay).
The people of Ngāti Awa advised Te Mautaranui not to go. However, he decided to go, and when he arrived at Kahungunu he was welcomed onto the pā.
But then Tuakeake closed the gates of the pā behind Te Mautaranui.
Te Mautaranui realised he was trapped and he uttered ‘He manu hōu ahau, he pī ka rere’.
Te Mautaranui faced this challenge but he was defeated and died.
Even though Tuakeake broke Te Mautaranui physically, he could not break his spirit.

Apanui School Values
Respect – Whakanuitanga:
Collaborates and co-operates with others
Is kind and helpful
Respects the uniqueness of others
Displays courtesy and addresses teachers/peers appropriately
Shows respect for our school and the wider environment
Resilience – Whakamanawatanga:
Shows independence
Perseveres with tasks
Demonstrates self-control
Is prepared to take risks and learns from mistakes
Displays positivity
Responsibility – Manaakitanga:
Displays appropriate playground behaviour
Makes good choices
Observes class routines
Follows directions
Manages time effectively

Apanui School Logo
Our logo depicts the Mātaatua Waka in front of Whakaari (White Island) on the top right.
The Mātaatua waka was one of the great voyaging waka. It brought Māori descendants to the Eastern BOP region, including Ngāti Awa.
It was captained by Toroa and landed in Whakatāne more than 700 years ago.
Moutohorā (Whale Island) is shown in the bottom left.
This has significance to both Ngāti Awa and Tūhoe. Moutuhora Island is a major feature of the Whakatāne seascape.